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The petition to revoke Article 50 is now the biggest in history

The revoke Article 50 petition on the e-petition website. - Credit: Archant

The petition to revoke Article 50 has broken records again – by becoming the largest in history to be presented to parliament – with still a month to go.

The petition was already the biggest petition on the official parliament e-petition website.

It has almost 6.1 million signatures – nearly 13% of the electorate – with still a month to go until the official deadline.

Now new House of Commons library briefings show that it is the biggest to be presented to parliament in its history.

It beats a petition from November 1945 handed to parliament on behalf of the British Federation of Old Age Pensioners which asked for improvements for pensioners, and was signed by six million people.

It also beat a petition from December 1989 where 4.5 million called for the government to support ambulance workers while in a dispute over pay.

And the 2016 petition calling for another vote if the referendum result didn’t reach a key threshold. That was signed by 4.1 million.

Best for Britain CEO Naomi Smith said it showed the Brexit project was “catastrophically failing”.

She said: “It’s no surprise that this petition to stop Brexit has more support than any other parliamentary petition in history. People are sick and tired of being told this country has to go ahead with a project which is catastrophically failing.

“With it looking like Boris Johnson will be the next prime minister, chosen by a tiny fraction of the population, public anger will only grow. By threatening No Deal, he is putting a gun to the country’s head.

“That’s why next Saturday, 20 July, Best for Britain will be demonstrating against a damaging no deal, and for a stronger Britain inside the EU.”

The revoke Article 50 petition was created by Margaret Georgiadou in April 2019. She revealed earlier this year since creating it she had faced death threats.

The Revoke Article 50 petition can be signed here.

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