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Theresa May’s Brexit deal to return to the House of Commons next month

Prime minister Theresa May. Picture: CHRISTOPHER FURLONG/AFP/Getty Images. - Credit: AFP/Getty Images

Theresa May is set to have another attempt at getting ratification of her Brexit deal in the House of Commons at the beginning of next month.

Downing Street said that the government will bring forward the Withdrawal Agreement Bill in the week beginning June 3 after another series of talks between Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn.

Theresa May reportedly told Labour leader that she wanted to bring cross-party discussions to a conclusion and “deliver on the referendum result”.

A Downing Street spokesman said: “This evening the prime minister met the leader of the opposition in the House of Commons to make clear our determination to bring the talks to a conclusion and deliver on the referendum result to leave the EU.

“We will therefore be bringing forward the Withdrawal Agreement Bill in the week beginning the 3rd June.

“It is imperative we do so then if the UK is to leave the EU before the summer parliamentary recess.

“Talks this evening between the prime minister and the leader of the opposition were both useful and constructive.

“Tomorrow talks will continue at an official level as we seek the stable majority in parliament that will ensure the safe passage of the Withdrawal Agreement Bill and the UK’s swift exit from the EU.”

A Labour Party spokeswoman said Jeremy Corbyn had set out the shadow cabinet’s concerns about Theresa May’s ability to deliver on any compromise agreement during the talks in parliament.

It is understood that Corbyn rejected any suggestion that Labour would support the Withdrawal Agreement Bill without agreement.

DUP Westminster leader Nigel Dodds said it was “highly likely” that May’s deal would be defeated again unless the PM can “demonstrate something new that addresses the problem of the backstop”.

He said: “The prime minister has not pursued the one option that has ever achieved a positive vote for something in parliament. Alternative arrangements to the backstop won easily whilst everything else has failed.

“For the Bill to have any prospect of success then there must be real change to protect the economic and constitutional integrity of the United Kingdom and deliver Brexit.”

Anna McMorrin MP, leading supporter of People’s Vote, said: “This desperate government look set to make yet another futile attempt to bounce parliament into backing their unpopular Brexit deal.

“They can try the same failed strategy as many times as they like but the reality is there is no stable majority in Parliament for their already thrice-rejected deal or for any other form of Brexit.

“The only solution to the Brexit crisis is to put any Brexit deal to a People’s Vote.”

Cabinet ministers had agreed to continue the cross-party efforts to break the impasse but stressed it was “imperative” for a Brexit deal to get through Parliament by the summer recess.

The Withdrawal Agreement is set to go before MPs in the another busy week for politics.

US President Donald Trump is due to make a state visit to the UK from Monday June 3 to Wednesday June 5, and on Thursday June 6, a by-election will be held in Peterborough.

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