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Government facing defeat over customs union

The government is facing defeat in the Commons over remaining in a European customs union Photo: PA - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

Members of Theresa May’s team believe she could have to accept continued membership of a European customs union, according to reports.

Leaks to the Sunday Times suggest senior aides said they would not be ‘crying into our beer’ if parliament forces the government’s hand by voting in favour of remaining in a customs union.

But the prime minister would face fury from Brexiteer backbenchers which could spark a leadership challenge. It is also believed Boris Johnson and Liam Fox could resign from the front bench if the government concedes to staying in a customs union.

Last week the Lords voted to remain in a customs unions and at least 10 Tory MPs are expected to rebel in the Commons.

One Tory source said: ‘Theresa May doesn’t appear to have the numbers in the Commons – what the fall out will be remains to be seen.’

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