It’s interesting that Theresa May lectures other EU leaders on security, even though it has always been low on her agenda if present at all.
It’s almost as though she was trying to generate supportive headlines in the British press rather than negotiating with other EU leaders.
It looks to me like May knows that there’s no chance of getting any deal with the EU that most of the Conservative MPs (including Remainers, herself and the Brexiteers) would accept. Therefore, she’s gearing up to blame and scapegoat the EU for all of Brexit’s bad consequences. My view is still that there will be no deal. I now also think that she may well call a general election next year.
John Rose
For May to say the EU is putting lives at risk over Brexit is nothing but hypocrisy.
The cost of Brexit is already at £40 billion and the current estimated costs per week range from £300 million to £2 billion.
How many lives have already been lost due to lack of resources going into the NHS, security and policing? How many jobs are there at risk?
Tony Howarth
London SW3
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