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May claims People’s Vote would ‘destroy trust in politicians’ and everyone reacted the same way

Prime Minister Theresa May during talks with EU leaders. Photograph: Dominic Lipinski/PA Wire - Credit: PA

Theresa May has claimed a fresh referendum on the UK leaving the European Union would ‘destroy trust in politicians’ – and everybody hit back with the same observation.

May was speaking to the Express when she claimed that a People’s Vote would undo the ‘biggest exercise in democracy in our country’s history.’

She said: ‘When the referendum took place, we gave people the opportunity to make a choice. They made that choice. If we as politicians want people to trust us, then we have to deliver for them on that.’

‘This was probably the biggest exercise in democracy in our country’s history. If we were to go back on that vote, it would destroy trust in politicians.’

As expected, social media users all reacted in the same way.

Nino Williams tweeted: ‘Theresa May says a second referendum would ‘destroy trust in politicians’. Is that the ones who lied about giving £350m a week to the NHS, staying in the single market, and promised ‘Brexit will be easy & have no downsides’?’

Another wrote: ‘We are a long long long way past the point where that ship has sailed.’

Nicholas Shakespeare asked: ‘What strange planet is Theresa May on, to say that a second referendum would destroy trust in politicians? What trust? Our politicians have rarely been held in such base esteem.’

Will Black said: ‘Bless, you think we trust you now? Giving us the choice to decide on out future is the only sane way forward.’

Others were quick to point out that a People’s Vote might be the only thing to restore trust in politics.

Boris Johnson before he boarded the Vote Leave campaign bus. Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA. – Credit: PA Archive/PA Images

Gaby Franklin tweeted: ‘Theresa May says #Peoplesvote would ‘destroy trust in politicians’. It might be the only thing that would make it possible to have any trust in politicians after Brexit lies!’

Her comments came after a Treasury minister suggested there is a possibility of a second EU referendum if Theresa May’s Chequers proposals are rejected by the House of Commons.

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