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Theresa May’s team IS considering a People’s Vote

The latest People's Vote march. Photo by John Keeble/Getty Images. - Credit: Getty Images

With the prospect of Theresa May’s Brexit deal getting defeated in the Commons the prime minister’s team have discussed a People’s Vote.

According to BuzzFeed, Downing Street advisers have urged Theresa May to consider a second referendum or a softer Brexit as options, as her team work out the best response to her deal being rejected.

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While Downing Street have claimed that there is no Plan B, conversations appear to be taking place to look at possible options to win a Brexit vote in Parliament.

Allies of the prime minister have looked at the potential for a People’s Vote which would be between remaining in the EU or her deal, which they believe could be won if there is a uarantee to end freedom of movement.

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The news website, however, reports that Theresa May does not want to allow for any options which could risk Brexit being stopped.

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The second option on the table would be a softer Brexit option to win over some Labour MPs and Tory Remainers. This would be a Norway-style option with the UK remaining in the single market. However this would cross a red line for May as it would continue freedom of the movement.

Downing Street declined to comment on the speculation.

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