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Baldrick: Given the chance I’d reverse Brexit

Tony Robinson as Baldrick with Rowan Atkinson as Blackadder (Photograph: BBC) - Credit: Archant

He fought in the Battle of Bosworth, made it through the plague, and survived the first World War, but asked if he would reverse any moment in history Baldrick said it would be Brexit.

Blackadder star Tony Robinson, who played the comedy character Baldrick, said his ‘cunning plan’ would be to go back to the ‘fateful day’ that Leave campaigners managed to ‘scrape’ the Brexit result after the EU referendum to attempt to reverse the decision.

He explained to History Revealed both the diplomatic and historical consequences were his some of his biggest concerns about the vote.

He said: ‘Never mind about the trade, never mind about whether it makes Britain richer or poorer, I think we’ll find ourselves so militarily isolated and exposed at a time of great Russian expansion, at a time when the American’s have shown, at best disinterest and at worst disdain, for Europe.

‘I think we’re suddenly going to become very vulnerable again and when I look at that book and see how many of those battles took place on European soil, I’m very worried about the course of action we’re currently taking.’

Tony Robinson starred as Baldrick in the comedy series Blackadder. Photograph: Ray Carrick. – Credit: Archant

He pointed out that the European Union had been created to stop war, and that is why it was particularly significant.

‘The reality for me is this: the two greatest and most unpleasant wars in history were fought on European soil in the 20th century. At the end of which, the European leaders agreed that that must never happen again and that was why the common market was created.

‘It wasn’t essentially an economic imperative, although of course, that was very important, it was to stop war and I think that huge swathes of people have forgotten that that’s why the European Union was set up.’

Robinson also marched for a People’s Vote in October, where Baldrick featured on a number of placards.

At the time he tweeted: ‘May flapping, Johnson posturing, Raab manipulating, Cable absent, Corbyn obfuscating at the most important moment in our history since WW2 they are a national embarrassment. There is only one way out of this unedifying mess #peoplesvote.’

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