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Poll finds revoking Article 50 and remaining in the EU is public’s preferred option

A man with the flag of the European Union painted on his face as Remain supporters gather for a protest. Daniel Leal-Olivas/PA. - Credit: PA Archive/PA Images

In a warning to Tory party leadership candidates, a new poll from the Times has revealed that more people want to revoke Article 50 and remain in the European Union than any other option for Brexit.

The poll, conducted by YouGov, found that just 28% want to leave without a deal compared to 43% who now want to remain in the European Union.

Theresa May’s now dead deal is the preferred choice for just 13% of people with 16% preferring a softer Brexit which involves staying in a customs union.

The choice of remaining in the European Union was also the preferred choice with 64% of voters of Labour in the 2017 general election and 70% of voters for the Lib Dems.

According to the polling more people also believe the warnings about the economic impact of a no-deal Brexit are “realistic” with 40% agreeing compared to 36% disagreeing.

Layla Moran, the Liberal Democrat MP and a Best for Britain supporter said that the polling shows the next prime minister will once again become “stuck” on Brexit.

“Unfortunately, I don’t trust either Boris Johnson or Jeremy Hunt to put the country above party. That’s just not how they work.

“This poll shows clear as day why the people need a final say. It’s their democratic right.”

Best for Britain boss Naomi Smith said: “This poll shows the option most Brits favour is stopping Brexit.

“The only fair thing for the new PM to do is give the people the final say on Brexit. The 2016 mandate to leave the EU is more than three years old.

“Now we have seen what a mess and distraction Brexit is, the country has moved on. Crashing out in October may be do or die in the eyes of the tiny Tory membership, who make up just 0.25% of the population, but a PM’s duty is to the whole country.”

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