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Tories to hold ‘emergency summit’ to hold another vote on Theresa May’s leadership

Theresa May. Photograph: UK Parliament/Mark Duffy. - Credit: PA

The Tory grassroots are intending to force an ’emergency summit’ on Theresa May’s leadership.

A meeting of 800 constituency Conservative chairmen and women and senior activists is expected to take place after the local and European elections, after enough of them signed a petition to hold an emergency general meeting.

According to The Sun, they will vote on whether to demand the prime minister’s resignation for failing to deliver Brexit.

While non-binding, losing such a vote would put huge pressure on May to step down.

It would also be unprecedented in the party’s 185-year history.

May’s handling of Brexit, along with discussions with Labour, has enraged Tory activists and translated into problems for the party on the doorstep.

It has been reported that 70 constituency leaders signed the petition to demand an EGM, passing a 10% threshold of 65.

May was reportedly made aware of the news personally on Monday night by the head of the National Conservative Convention Andrew Sharpe, who is also a deputy party chairman.

The petition’s organiser, London East Conservatives chairwoman Dinah Glover, told The Sun: ‘Unfortunately, the prime minister is no longer the solution to the problem, but is actually the block to Brexit.’

The petition is said to state that the signatories ‘no longer feel that Mrs May is the right person to continue as Prime Minister to lead us forward in the negotiations’.

‘We therefore with great reluctance ask that she considers her position and resigns,’ it adds.

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