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Boris Johnson compared to Trump after rally photos reveal disappointing crowd

A closer-up view of Boris Johnson launching the Conservative general election campaign. Picture: Jacob King/PA Wire - Credit: PA

A zoomed-out image of the Conservative election launch has shown the venue dwarfing the crowd of Boris Johnson supporters.


Bloomberg political reporter Tim Ross tweeted a picture of the convention hall revealing masses of floor space not visible in many of the press pictures that have been circulated.

“One Tory source says there are 1,200 people here,” said Ross. “I estimated about 500.”

It appears that the party expected much bigger numbers, as video screens were set up facing the empty areas of the hall.

Numerous media outlets have presented conventional images of the launch, with the Telegraph’s front page saying: “Boris Johnson ended the evening engulfed by young Tory fans all chanting his name.”


Commentators have compared the scene to the inauguration of Donald Trump, whose ceremony was similarly patchy in support.

“Reminds me of the pictures of ‘crowds’ at Trump’s inauguration,” said Twitter user Jason.

“We’ve all been to a wedding with an inappropriately large venue,” sympathised twitter user Steve Osborne.


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