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Brexiteer hangs up during radio interview after being asked to retract tweet

Tory MP Daniel Kawczynski. Photograph: House of Commons. - Credit: Archant

A Tory Brexiteer has refused to apologise or retract his tweet in which he lied about funding for the UK after World War II.

MP Daniel Kawczynski refused to back down in the debate despite leading historians denouncing the politician for the outright lie on Twitter.

Instead the politician went on the defensive telling his local newspaper, the Shropshire Star: ‘There are many people in this country who want to whitewash the sacrifice that Britain has made over generations for Europe.

‘They say it is not appropriate to look at a country’s history to understand her credentials.

‘Those affiliated to Europe in this country hate any challenge to their point of view.

‘The furore I can deal with.’

Kawczynski was invited on to TalkRADIO to talk about Brexit when he was confronted about his tweet.

‘It has been pointed out to you on Twitter by many many people that a short Google search, if you can use Twitter I assume you can use the internet through a Google search, Google the Marshall Plan to discover that the UK was the largest recipient of funds from the Marshall Plan,’ host Alexis Conran said.

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‘So now that this has been explained to you, not just by myself but by other Twitter users, would you like to apologise for misleading your Twitter followers because your tweet has a lot of retweets and likes and basically it’s inaccurate, would you like to take this opportunity to A, delete it, and B, apologise?’

But Kawczynski refused to talk about it.

‘Look, I’ve been asked to come here to talk about Article 50 if you want to talk about Article 50, fine, if you don’t we’ll call it a day.’

Asked a further time why he would not answer the question the MP then hung up on the radio presenter.

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