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Tory propaganda claiming it is ‘standing up for the integrity of the UK’ backfires

The latest Conservative attack lines over Brexit have backfired, after it tried to accuse Labour of taking the side of “the EU” in parliament by voting against Boris Johnson’s bill.

Moments after the Internal Market Bill passed its second reading – designed to override the Withdrawal Agreement bill and international law – the Tories claimed it was “standing up for the integrity of the entire UK”.

But the attack appeared to backfire as thousands responded to point out that the governing party failed to mention that they were reneging on a treaty which breaks laws.

The Tories tweeted: “Labour just voted to side with the EU in Parliament once again.

“We’re the party that’s standing up for the integrity of the entire UK.

“Our Internal Market Bill protects our Union, preserves peace in Northern Ireland & ensures unfettered trade across the whole country.”

But social media were quick to point out what the Tories had really voted for.

“Last night you voted to be criminals,” replied @TimInSuffolk.

“Labour didn’t ‘side with the EU’. They voted against breaching international law,” said Freddie Bailey. “The Conservative Party and Boris Johnson are playing a very dangerous.”

“Labour voted to uphold the deal you signed and championed as Oven Ready,” noted @Labour4EU. “You’ve broken international law, blown up your own deal and hurtle us to a devastating no deal outcome which has no mandate from the British people.”

“By this logic the PM and a majority of UK voters sided with the EU by signing and backing the withdrawal agreement in 2019,” suggested Patrick Smith.

“Don’t know how to break it to you, but you just voted to trash a deal your leader negotiated, and which you removed the whip from quite a number of MPs for not voting for, in order to break international law,” responded Dan Sohege. “Not exactly what most people would call ‘standing up for integrity’.”

“You are the party that will break up the Union! Scotland will leave as soon as it gets the chance, and Northern Ireland will probably follow,” Richard Labrador claimed.

“This isn’t the burn you think it is,” said wrote Lydia Mizon, while Elliot Conway pointed out: “If Labour had broken international law to get an agenda through you’d be full on raging”.

Pointing to a dictionary definition which talks of “honesty” and “moral principles”, James O’Flynn wrote: “The Conservatives seem to have forgotten the first meaning of integrity.”

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