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Trailer released for new Brexit film starring Benedict Cumberbatch

Benedict Cumberbatch plays Vote Leave boss Dominic Cummings in 'Brexit: The Uncivil War'. Photograph: HBO. - Credit: Archant

The trailer for a new film which focuses on Vote Leave’s involvement in the EU referendum campaign has been released.

In the film Benedict Cumberbatch will swap his deerstalker for a balding head to portray Vote Leave boss Dominic Cummings.

The two-hour film titled ‘Brexit: The Uncivil War’ has been written by James Graham, the writer of political West End plays Ink and This House.

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It is based on first-hand accounts from key players in the Leave and Remain campaigns, and a variety of books that have been published around the EU referendum.

Dominic Cummings speaks about Vote Leave. – Credit: Archant

The film takes a particular focus on those who acted behind-the-scenes to influence the political campaigns including Craig Oliver, David Cameron’s director of communications, Matthew Elliot, the political lobbyist, and Zack Massingham, the founder of a data technology company that helped to target voters through social media.

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It will look at how the data-driven campaigns were utilised, the use of the £350m a week claim, and the behind-the-scenes decisions that led to the Brexit vote on 23 June 2016.

It will also explore the roles played by politicians and the financial backers that were bankrolling them.

Cumberbatch said recently it was a ‘hell of a role’ to play the Vote Leave boss.

He said: ‘The campaign was the most extraordinary story, one of the most extraordinary stories in all the history of politics.

‘It really encapsulated that for me.’

‘Brexit: The Uncivil War’ will air on Channel 4 at 9pm on 7th January 2019. It will premiere on HBO in the US at 9pm on 19th January.

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