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Trump trolled by dwindling popularity ratings on his visit to London

Led By Donkeys trolls Donald Trump with a reminder of his approval rating. Photograph: ByDonkeys/Twitter. - Credit: Archant

Donald Trump is being trolled by the tiny approval ratings for the president as he visits the United Kingdom.

The anti-Brexit Led By Donkeys campaigners previously set up a projection of Boris Johnson’s ‘nasty’ comments about the US president on Big Ben, and now claim to hae created a projection of the falling approval rating for Trump too.

The ratings put Barack Obama at 72% favourability with the people of the UK, compared to Donald Trump who is favoured by just 21%.

In a tweet to Trump they claim to have projected it on to the iconic Tower of London.

They included the message: “Just so you know, you’re wildly unpopular here in Britain. SAD! People REALLY don’t like you (though they love @BarackObama). Hope you like seeing your FAILING approval numbers projected onto the Tower of London.”

The YouGov polling data – which puts Hillary Clinton, Justin Trudeau, Angela Merkel and Bill Clinton ahead of the president – is likely to enrage Trump if it is seen during his state visit.

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