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Majority of Scots still support independence, latest polling finds

Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon wears a face mask during her visit to the field hospital the NHS Louisa Jordan; Photo by ANDREW MILLIGAN/POOL/AFP via Getty Images - Credit: POOL/AFP via Getty Images

Support for Scottish independence is still going strong despite a rise in coronavirus cases, a new survey has found.

The survey, carried out by pollsters Survation, has shown 53% in favour of leaving the union, with 47% against.

It is the latest in a series of surveys since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic showing a majority of Scots in favour of independence – including one by Panelbase which held support at 55% last month.

SNP depute leader Keith Brown said: ‘This is yet another significant poll for the SNP and the independence movement – showing people want decisions about Scotland to be made by the people who live here, and not Boris Johnson.

‘The rising and unsustainable cost to Scotland’s future of a Tory government people here didn’t vote for has never been clearer.

‘Faced with the increasing threat of a hard or no-deal Brexit, and an unprecedented power grab on the hard-won powers of the Scottish parliament, it’s no wonder people in Scotland are demanding the right to choose a better future.

‘With Westminster in chaos, and Boris Johnson in Downing Street, an independent, progressive Scotland in Europe is becoming the settled will of the people of Scotland.

‘Boris Johnson’s undemocratic attempt to deny the people of Scotland the right to choose their own future is now utterly unsustainable.’

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Survation conducted an online poll of 1,018 people aged over 16 living in Scotland, between Wednesday September 2 and Monday.

They were asked: ‘Should Scotland be an independent country?’

This period recorded a rise in new infections, including Sunday seeing the highest figure for nearly three months.

A survey taken by the polling company before the pandemic in January found a 50/50 split for independence and remaining in the union.

It comes after First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced that a new draft Bill paving the way for a possible second Scottish independence referendum will be published before next May’s Holyrood elections.

A separate poll taken by the company at the same time shows 53% of likely voters would choose the SNP candidate for their constituency vote – a two-point increase since January.

The Scottish Conservatives are on 20% (minus three) and Scottish Labour on 18% (plus one).

A Scottish Conservative spokesman said: ‘Douglas Ross and the Scottish Conservatives have a positive vision to move Scotland on from the division of the past.

‘The SNP only want to drag Scotland back to the arguments of 2014.’

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