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UKIP is dead! Hooray!

Well, not quite. UKIP’s disastrous performance and the local elections signals their engulfing by the lurch to the right by Theresa May’s Team (previously known as the Conservative Party).

Meanwhile, Jeremy Corbyn’s Team – sorry, I’m falling for all this presidential campaigning nonsense – seems determined to take Britain back to the 70s.

Again, not quite. The Labour manifesto has much good and popular stuff in there and, crucially, an indication that no Brexit deal means no Brexit.

This is encouraging and sensible. It’s also the first chink of light that a majority consensus could be formed in the Commons, further down the line, against a bad deal for Britain, together with a resurgent Lib Dems.

This is a long game. Representative democracy may prevail after all.

Have a great weekend.


Matt Kelly, Editor, The New European

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