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Unite boss tells Corbyn not to ‘abandon’ current approach to Brexit

Unite General Secretary Len McCluskey. Photo: PA / Danny Lawson - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

The leader of the Unite union has urged Labour to stay united with its approach to Brexit, despite the party to appearing to please nobody.

Len McCluskey said the results confirmed a country divided by Brexit.

“For that the blame lies firmly with the Tory party which has handled the Brexit process disastrously causing despair and disillusion among voters driving many to (Nigel) Farage and his simplistic offer.

“Labour has been the only party that has sought to unite the nation on Brexit and this is an honourable objective that must not be abandoned.

“This is the time to hold our nerve because the true prize is the very real possibility of a looming general election.

“That is the opportunity for Labour to go to the people to present its programme to transform our country, rebuilding our communities and restoring hope to those who feel abandoned by Westminster.

“Faced now with the serious prospect of a no deal Tory prime minister, Labour must stay united and show the country that it is ready to lead.”

McCluskey added that some were now rushing to advance other agendas but were doing so to undermine Jeremy Corbyn.

He said: “They will be seen for what they are and never forgiven by the members.”

Manuel Cortes, general secretary of the Transport Salaried Staffs Association said Labour must now unite to stop a no-deal Brexit while campaigning to give the British people the final say over any Brexit deal.

“When that public vote comes Labour must campaign with vigour for remain and reform.

“Doing this will put Brexit to bed once and for all and also give us the space to sell Jeremy Corbyn’s wonderful transformative For The Many agenda which is so badly needed by working people.”

Unison general secretary Dave Prentis said the results proved the ?country was as divided as ever and showed the depth of frustration at both main political parties.

“Politicians in Westminster seem to lack the answers to the biggest issue facing the UK and voters have had enough, regardless of how they voted three years ago.

“In this political vacuum millions have turned to the easy falsehoods of the far-right populists.

“This was a disastrous night for the Tories. Whoever replaces Theresa May will have no legitimacy as prime minister and a general election is vital to clear the deadlock.

“But it was a terrible night for Labour too. If Labour is going to win the next election, it needs to understand that ambiguity and division aren’t appealing. The country needs a radical Labour government, with properly funded public services at its heart – but it won’t get that unless Labour has a clearer line on Brexit.”

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