Readers of The New European give their verdict on Channel 4’s Brexit film.
Forgive me if I don’t join the chorus of approval for Brexit: The Uncivil War. As well as lying about the £350 million and Turkey, Vote Leave broke electoral rules and have been referred to the police by the Electoral Commission. They are proven cheats.
So spare me the guff about how brilliant Dominic Cummings is at making up slogans.
Chris Taylor
Craig Oliver, played very well by Rory Kinnear, got such an easy ride in Brexit: The Uncivil War. How different would things have been if No.10 had not parachuted him in to run the Remain campaign, leading it to focus on Cameron and Osborne, who ordinary voters hated because of austerity?
Rachel Miller, Birmingham
Though Dominic Cummings has remained unknown to the vast majority of British voters until now, his pernicious campaign of disinformation had at least as much impact on the referendum result as Boris Johnson.
It is time for Johnson and Michael Gove to explain in full what they knew about all these goings-on, which the Uncivil War film shows them tolerating and condoning?
Only a People’s Vote can erase this dreadful stain on our history.
Paul Smith
Had Dominic Cummings been hired by the Remainers, he most probably would have also won and the whole issue would have been put to bed in 2016.
Looking at the campaign, which he prepared extremely well, Cummings managed to instil fear in the population about many issues, which were, to say the least, not entirely true.
The big unanswered question is, why the Cameron/Osborne clique were so convinced that they would win and did nothing. Of course they were then able to wash their hands and fall back on cushy jobs outside politics.
Georg Varduli
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