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Cummings threatens return to politics – despite being found in contempt of parliament

Dominic Cummings. Photograph: House of Commons. - Credit: Archant

Dominic Cummings, who is defined as the ‘mastermind’ behind the Vote Leave campaign, has threatened to set up a new group as he said some Conservative Brexiteers should be treated like a ‘metastasising tumour’.

Dominic Cummings criticised a ‘narcissist-delusional subset’ of the influential European Research Group (ERG) that he said needed to be ‘excised’.

With Brexit delayed, he issued a threat to MPs who promised ‘to respect the referendum result then abandoning’ the pledge that ‘actions have consequences’.

The Vote Leave director called on activists to start ‘rebuilding our network’ before suggesting a new campaign or party could be formed.

Cummings’ blog post was in response to him being found to be in contempt of parliament after he failed to appear before MPs investigating fake news.

He accused the subset of the ERG of ‘scrambling’ for top radio spots while ‘spouting gibberish’.

During the EU referendum, he claimed, ‘so many of you guys were too busy shooting or skiing or chasing girls to do any actual work’.

‘You should be treated like a metastasising tumour and excised from the UK body politic,’ he added.

In respose to the post campaigners from the anti-Brexit group For Our Future’s Sake (FFS) said that Cummings had forgotten his own background.

They said that he himself went a fee paying private school, was educated at Oxford University and his family own Chillingham Castle.

Jamie Dickinson, a Newcastle supporter of FFS, said: ‘The entire Brexit debate has been led by hypocritical posh public school boys, pretending that they are not part of the establishment.

‘Dominic Cummings went to Durham school (a fee paying boarding school), and his family own a castle. Yet he – like Johnson, Rees-Mogg and Farage – all pretend they on the side of working people.

Brexit is a project of the political elite, desperately pretending otherwise, and that’s why we need a it to go back to the public, in a People’s Vote.’

The outburst came as MPs prepared to take part in a series of ‘indicative votes’ on Theresa May’s Brexit deal.

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