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Poll: Welsh turns back on Brexit

A sign reading "Brexit: Is it worth it?" is held up during a demonstration for a People's Vote. Photograph: Brais G. Rouco - Credit: PA Images

A new poll has found that Wales no longer supports Brexit instead backing a People’s Vote on Theresa May’s Brexit deal.

In June 2016 the Welsh population voted by 53% to 47% in support of the UK leaving the European Union, but a new poll of 1,000 people across Wales found that support has moved in favour of staying in the European Union.

According to the research, conducted by YouGov, 51% of voters in Wales now support remaining, compared to 49% that would vote to leave.

And 44% of Welsh voters would back a People’s Vote compared to 36% who do not.

The findings will put added pressure on the UK’s political leaders over their positions on Brexit.

The poll found that 61% of those in Wales who voted Labour at the last general election support a People’s Vote. A total of 76% of those in Wales who say they intend to vote for Jeremy Corbyn’s party say they would back remaining in the EU, compared to just 28% that would back leave.

Meanwhile 82% believe the process of leaving the EU has been a mess, and 64% think May’s government will be to blame if Wales gets a bad deal.

Hundreds are expected to attend a People’s Vote rally in Cardiff on Saturday, September 8 as the campaign continues to gather momentum.

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