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Soubry delivers blistering attack on the politicians who lit the Brexit touchpaper and ran away

Anna Soubry delivers scathing attack on Brexit leaders. Photograph: Parliament TV. - Credit: Archant

Anna Soubry has delivered a blistering attack on the Brexiteer politicians that ‘tricked and conned’ the voters of the United Kingdom.

Anti Brexit demonstrators protest in the rain ahead of a meaningful vote. (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images) – Credit: Getty Images

Standing up in the House of Commons the former Tory minister and the Independent Group MP made her case for voting down Theresa May’s Brexit deal and pushing ahead with a People’s Vote.

She said: ‘People understand that they were lied to. They were tricked and conned by the leaders of leave, some of whom sit in this place. Those leaders will not lose their jobs. They will not find themselves worse off. They will not bear the burden.’

As Brexiteer MPs tried to drown out the MP’s comments, she continued: ‘The people who will bear the burden are the people in this country who voted leave, and especially those who work in the manufacturing sector. They will see their jobs put at risk. They will see the future of their children and grandchildren blighted.’

Soubry said ‘it is the leaders of leave who should take responsibility’.

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MORE: Soubry delivers blistering attack on the politicians who lit the Brexit touchpaper and ran away

But she added: ‘Almost every one of them has walked away from their ministerial position while still scooping up all the benefits that they get outside this House through the articles they write, through their inherited wealth and through their gold-plated pensions.

‘They will never be held responsible, but it should be to their eternal shame that they have caused such damage and deep divisions in this country.

‘They should speak to people, just as I speak to my own constituents whose skin is brown and who find themselves being told to go home and being spat at and abused. That did not happen before this appalling referendum.’

She said it was now time to find ‘a way to heal these terrible division’ and that the way to address that was with ‘honesty and courage’, not ‘more dishonesty’.

‘We must say to the British people, ‘We have made a mistake. Let us bring this back to you so that you can make good the harm that we have done.”

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