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‘He did NOTHING!’ – Voter slams David Davis while making case for People’s Vote

David Davis appears on BBC Question Time. Photograph: BBC. - Credit: Archant

A member of the audience on BBC’s Question Time has laid into David Davis for doing ‘nothing’ as Brexit secretary.

The voter, from Jeremy Corbyn’s constituency of Islington North, said that it was time for ‘a grown up option’ and to take the decision away from politicians.

After hearing Davis, who was on the panel, talk about his solutions from Brexit he pointed out that the former Brexit secretary did very little when he was in post.

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He said: ‘We’ve had enough silly games from the ERG – enough of their lies, enough of their laziness.’

Pointing to David Davis he said: ‘That man there had two years to negiotiate a deal, he had four meetings, four hours, he did nothing! And he’s sitting there talking to us about grown-up solutions.’

Making a case for a People’s Vote, the audience member refuted Davis’ claims, saying that ‘the second referendum is not a betrayal – it is a grown-up moving forward’.

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He said: ‘It is a chance to look at the deal, sensibly, with our proper heads on with proper information, and let the grown up people who are the voters of this country move this forward.’

It was not just the panel and audience who turned on Davis, one of David Dimbleby’s last lines on the programme was to rib him too.

Answering a question from the audience on comedy, Davis said ‘one of my great passions is free speech, and we have to protect it, and comedy is the cutting-edge of free speech.’

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A sharp-witted Dimbleby ended the programme by saying ‘some people might think you are the joke about Brexit!’ to cheers from the audience and laughter from fellow Conservative MP Nicky Morgan.

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