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Watch: Farage gets stinging rebuke for trolling EU with mafia jibe

PA Wire/PA Images - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

Comparing EU parliament to the Mafia (or to gangsters) because you’re unhappy with its Brexit demands is ‘unacceptable’. Ouch!

Former UKIP leader, Nigel Farage, was jeered by members of the EU parliament in Strasbourg for his unacceptable remark in which he compared the EU parliament to the Mafia.

Farage said: ‘You have shown yourself with these demands to be vindictive, to be nasty. All I can say is, thank goodness we’re leaving.

‘You are behaving like the Mafia. You think we are a hostage. We are not, we are free to go.’

Reprimanded by the body’s president, Italian Antonio Tajan, for the ‘unacceptable’ remark, the European Parliament’s resident troll Farage settled for the term ‘gangsters’.

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