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We ask the question: Is May losing it?

Contrast her demeanour on the days she took office and this past week.

Two speeches on the doorstep of number ten. One, a florid exposition of her vision for a new Britain at peace with itself and working towards healing the deficiencies of domestic government that had left so many by the wayside. Then came last week. A bug-eyed furious attack on enemies at our gates, a threat to our democracy from dark forces within the EU and every impression that far from a constructive an ordered exit, we are now heading into a head-on clash of personalities with our nearest neighbours.

Strong and stable? I don’t bloody think so.

This week’s newspaper asks the question we believe many people would have had in mind as they watched Theresa May’s mask slip:

Is she losing it?

In other news, the small but uniformly happy team that put together our newspaper and website were celebrating this week; a clutch of four major awards at the prestigious British Media Awards 2017. We couldn’t have done it without you – thanks for being part of our extraordinary story.

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