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Welsh public want to stay in the EU if there is no deal

More people in Wales favour staying in the EU than crashing out of the bloc in the event of no deal, a new poll has shown.

The poll, by YouGov on behalf of Plaid Cymru, shows a clear lead for those who wish to remain in the EU (48%), compared to those who believe we should leave even if a deal is not reached (42%).

Smashing a hole through the Westminster Government’s repeated insistence that ‘No Deal’ should be kept on the table, the data clearly shows a swell of support for EU membership in the event of a breakdown in negotiations before March 2019.

Plaid MP Hywel Williams said: “The reality of a ‘No-Deal’ Brexit is clearly not in the public interest and this poll shows the public would reject it.

‘A ‘No-Deal’ Brexit puts jobs, medicines, citizens’ rights and even food supplies at risk. With a matter of months left to go before we find ourselves teetering on the Brexit cliff edge, Westminster must listen to the people of Wales – to ‘No-Deal’ they say ‘no thanks.’

‘Deal or no deal, there are few left claiming that our nation will be richer as a result of our exit from the EU. It was only a matter of time before ordinary people called time on the bluff and bravado of this Westminster Government and the zealous Brexiteers who increasingly reject reality.”

The people of Wales could see through “the pack of lies they were told two years ago”, said Williams.

“Now they know the truth, people must have a right to reject it – a vote on the final deal.

‘It’s time the fanatical Brexiteers swallowed a spoonful of their own medicine and listened to the will of the people.’

YouGov surveyed 1,034 adults in Wales between August 9-13.

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