As the UK government continue to negotiate Brexit with the European Union, readers ask where are the benefits?
Isn’t it about time that the press began to hold Boris Johnson to account over Brexit? Northern Ireland and the current issue over documentation and checks will not go away which will only push us closer to a united Ireland; Scotland is pushing harder for independence. These two things will break up the Union.
Fishermen are not allowed to export their shellfish to Europe. Many businesses are going bust due to export requirements and additional costs.
Our 12 month-GDP is the worst in Europe bar Greece and Spain. Our budget balance is the worst in the developed world.
All the promises of prosperity, security, unity simply don’t exist. Isn’t it about time someone said to the prime minister: Where is this new UK? Where is the prosperity coming from? What happened to the promises you made to us all?
Tony Howarth
The impact of Brexit on the fishing industry and on meat producers has hit the headlines daily and perhaps the government is correct in insisting these are short-term issues which will be fixed.
Spare a thought for those of us who run au pair agencies.
Our businesses ceased at 11pm on December 31 and we have gone from having busy, viable agencies to no possibility of working at all. The vast majority of au pairs come from the EU and the government’s continued refusal to provide a visa has been devastating for those of us who have for many years invested our time and energy in this valuable cultural and linguistic exchange. We can only hope that someone in government eventually sees the folly in this and comes up with a solution.
Dr Ruth Campbell
Au Pair Ecosse, Scotland
Since the Tory party have been engaged in their drive for hard-line Brexit and using it as a stick to beat your average low and middle-income Britons they have been floating a whole series of ever more desperate, ‘pie in the sky’ proposals.
Coming out of the EU on WTO terms if we didn’t get a deal… Then it was the Trump deal…
Now the latest chimaera is the ‘Asia Pacific deal’ later this year. That gives them a bit more time and mileage. But it contains large food exporters, who will put downward pressure on our food producers, and large Asian producers of low-cost manufactures, which will impact on what remains of our British manufacturing industry.
Meanwhile, there is now a jobs boom in the Netherlands created by UK companies scrambling to get back inside the EU frontier.
A.D. Gill, Barnstaple
• Have your say by emailing theneweuropean@archant.co.uk. Our deadline for letters is Tuesday at 9am for inclusion in Thursday’s edition. Please be concise – letters over five paragraphs long may be edited before printing.