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Tory politician accidentally announces ‘resignation’ while trying to raise personal interest

Rachael Hamilton in the Scottish parliament - Credit: Scottish Parliament

A Tory MSP sparked laughter in Holyrood when she accidentally announced her “resignation”.

Rachael Hamilton had intended to highlight her register of interest but instead said: “Can I draw members to my resignation?”

Hamilton, the MSP for Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire, laughed as she added quickly: “Register of interests. No resignation.”

She made the blunder as she pressed rural economy secretary Fergus Ewing on the impact further coronavirus restrictions on the hospitality sector could have on businesses such as wholesalers and breweries.

Hamilton demanded the data and scientific evidence be published, saying the restrictions “may quite possibly be the death knell for the hospitality industry”.

Ewing said he is “very pleased” the Conservative MSP is not resigning so they can “continue to work together on tourism interests”.

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