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Wetherspoon’s boss booed on BBC’s Question Time

Tim Martin on BBC Question Time. Photograph: BBC. - Credit: Archant

Brexiteer and Wetherspoon’s boss Tim Martin has been booed on BBC’s Question Time.

The outspoken Leaver received a frosty reception after wading in on the discussions about who should appear in a televised Brexit debate.

The pub chain boss was appearing on the programme to promote a ‘no deal’ Brexit – which even some prominent Brexiteers are starting to shy away from.

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When the programme moved on to the topic of the televised debates on the proposed Brexit deal between Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn, Martin argued that a real Brexiteer was needed on the panel.

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He said: ‘I’m not sure it’s going to add to the sum of knowledge. Theresa May talks in soundbites and rarely gets involved in debate, other than in Parliament.

‘Jeremy Corbyn doesn’t believe in Remain, so it’s going to be a weird kind of debate. You need a few more – you need Boris.’

The Cornish crowd responded to his claims with laughter before moving to boos and jeers – although a few did cheer in support.

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The frosty reception for the Wetherspoon’s boss follows Farage’s appearance at the British Curry Awards where he was similarly jeered.

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