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People are being sent copies of Wetherspoon News… and they are not happy

A copy of Wetherspoon's News is ripped up after landing through a letterbox. Photograph: Traceylsl/Twitter. - Credit: Archant

Brexiteers appear to be preparing for a second referendum already after Wetherspoon’s pro-Brexit magazine dropped through letterboxes across the UK.

The pub chain’s 48-page magazine takes contributions from its Brexiteer boss Tim Martin, who gives a pro-Brexit commentary on newspaper columns from national newspapers, with the occasional features about the actual business.

The fact the publication uses contributions from the likes of the Telegraph, Spectator and Financial Times has landed the publication in hot water, after a spokesperson for the business admitted they did not have permission to reproduce the stories.

Now the magazine is under more scrutiny after it appeared that Wetherspoon has gone on a publicity drive to deliver the magazine through letterboxes across the country.

Martin defended the magazine’s editorial at a pub debate in Norwich earlier this month, claiming that it took opinions from a variety of perspectives – although the audience was quick to point out the majority were in favour of Brexit.

Social media users have taken to Twitter and Facebook to express their apparent disgust at receiving a copy of the magazine – which claims to have two million readers – through the post.

‘Just got home to find Wetherspoon’s have sent glossy magazine out to all residents in Offerton saying we are better off have a no deal Brexit. Are the Tories paying them?’ said Sharza Dethick.

MORE: Brex Factor – Pub propaganda is leaving a bitter taste‘You won’t find me in no Wetherspoon pub anymore after receiving this ridiculous magazine for a no deal Brexit,’ wrote Arno Leijten.

An education: Steve Anglesey had a gift for Wetherspoons boss Tim Martin when the pair met in Norwich. PHOTO: Archant – Credit: Archant

‘Don’t think I’ve ever felt this annoyed at getting a freebie. Including the time U2’s new album automatically appeared on my phone,’ wrote Eleanor Kate.

‘I don’t want a magazine from a grotty pub chain frequented by sad, lonely old men with bulbous red alcoholic noses shoved through my door ever again,’ said Greg Parry.

MORE: Wetherspoons shares slide ‘as chairman concentrates on championing Brexit’‘People’s Vote Leave campaign has kicked off!’ tweeted Ruth C after receiving it through her letterbox.

Others are looking for ways to dispose the magazine.

Sarah Kenhard said: ‘Straight in the recycling.’

Hughie Green urged people to return it back to the company marking it as ‘unsolicited mail, return to sender.’

He said: ‘If you don’t want that Wetherspoons’ propaganda magazine that appeared on your door mat just send it back to them.’

Readers of The New European’s Facebook group went further with Bill Smoker suggesting to ‘put a Bollocks Brexit sticker on it’ first.

When asked for comment from JD Wetherspoon the company did not explain who it had targeted with the mass mailing.

A spokesman said: ‘Wetherspoon News has articles on both sides of the debate. We’re not on social media, where much of the discussion takes place, so print is a reasonable alternative.’

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