From Theresa May to Dominic Cummings to Arron Banks – readers ask who is really subverting the ‘will of the people’?
Theresa May flouts the convention of balance in the Lords by appointing a raft of Tories to the upper chamber.
Dominic Cummings, of the lying Vote Leave campaign headed by Boris Johnson and Michael Gove, risks being found in contempt of parliament by refusing to co-operate with the Commons Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee.
Arron Banks’ Leave.EU campaign is fined the maximum and its CEO is reported to police for breaches of referendum spending rules.
Remind me again how it is that we are the ‘saboteurs’ attempting to subvert the will of the people when so many of our opponents are liars, cheats or both?
Jonathan Hendrick
With the Leave.EU fines, the revelations of Arron Banks injecting £12.4 million into Leave.EU just before the official campaign start and now an imminent court hearing due on June 19 regarding Vote Leave’s alleged connected breaches of campaign spending rules, how can this sorry referendum result now be trusted to be ‘the will of the people’?
It seems more to be related to the will of certain people with deep pockets and vested interests to make more money out of the chaos created.
John Handford
The Brexiteer Peter Lilley reportedly boasted to an undercover reporter posing as a Chinese businesswoman that as a member of Jacob Rees-Mogg’s ERG he had ready access to Brexit minister Steve Baker so he could tell him what he was getting right and wrong, and that he was also an unofficial advisor to Liam Fox. He bragged he would soon be given a peerage.
Despite all this, he gets a seat on the Lords anyway. The Tories get more desperate by the day.
Carl Hinds
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