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Public want to keep two-metre social distancing rule, polling finds

Boris Johnson speaking during Prime Minister's Questions in the House of Commons, London. (UK Parliament/Jessica Taylor/PA Wire) - Credit: PA

A majority of the public do not want the government to drop the two-metre social distance rule, polling has found.

A snap poll by YouGov found that 58% of people want the rules to be kept at the current distance, while just under a quarter (24%) want it dropped to one metre.

Support for the shorter social limit increased with older generations, with 32% of those over 65 preferring the one metre rule, compared to 17% of 18 to 24-year-olds.

Meanwhile, 8% of respondents said the restrictions should be scrapped altogether.

The figures come after suggestions that the prime minister may be considering reducing the restriction in an attempt help schools reopen and help more people into work.

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The Daily Telegraph reported that Boris Johnson is looking at following World Health Organisation advice and cutting the distance, mirroring guidance already followed by countries including France, Denmark and Singapore.

At Prime Minister’s Questions this week Johnson said he would ‘keep that two-metre rule under constant review’.

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