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Young anti-Brexit campaigners tell Boris Johnson: ‘We reject your lies, your values and your Brexit’

Campaigners from Our Future Our Choice at 10 Downing Street. Photograph: OFOC. - Credit: Archant

Young anti-Brexit campaigners from Our Future Our Choice have delivered a letter to Boris Johnson telling the new prime minister that they reject his lies, his values, and his Brexit.

Femi Oluwole from Our Future, Our Choice penned the letter to Boris Johnson which warned: “You are building a future that the young people of the United Kingdom do not want.

“Most of us voted to Remain in the 2016 referendum. We did so because we know we can only solve the challenges we will face in the 21st century by working with other countries. We can’t tackle climate change alone, nor manage refugee crises, nor make sure big companies and the super-rich pay their fair share of tax.

“Everything your government is doing is driving us towards a No-Deal Brexit on 31st October. It will be our generation, and the least well off in our society, who are hammered by a No-Deal Brexit – not your cabinet colleagues. It will be our generation who will struggle to get jobs during the Johnson recession that follows a No Deal. It will be our generation who will have to spend the rest of our lives clearing up your mess. This is not the future we want.”

It continues: “Of course, most of us expect nothing more from you. Our generation doesn’t want a leader who conspired to have a journalist violently assaulted, nor one who called black people ‘piccanninnes’ with ‘watermelon smiles’, Muslim women ‘letterboxes’, or gay men ‘bumboys.’

Campaigners from Our Future Our Choice at 10 Downing Street. Photograph: OFOC. – Credit: Archant

“We don’t want a leader who’s a serial liar. Someone who promised his constituents he would lie down in front of bulldozers to stop a third runway at Heathrow being built, before flying thousands of miles to avoid the vote on it. Someone who won people’s votes by telling them we’d get a great deal with the EU, and now trying to use those votes to leave with the worst possible terms – No Deal.”

Concluding Oluwole writes: “Never before has a prime minister been so divorced from the young people he leads. We reject your Brexit, your values, and your lies. And we are not going to roll over and let you destroy our futures.”

Young campaigners from the group joined Oluwole on Downing Street to protest and to hand the letter over to Johnson’s team at the door of 10 Downing Street.

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