Remain campaigner Femi Oluwole has been busy schooling Brexiteers at this year’s Conservative party conference.
The Our Future Our Choice activist met outspoken Brexiteer and Wetherspoon’s boss Tim Martin to ask him why he disliked the European Union so much.
Martin told the young activist: ‘It’s got 5 unelected presidents, it’s got a court that isn’t subject to parliamentary control, and MEPs that can’t initiate legislation.’
It didn’t take long for Martin to fall into Oluwole’s trap.
He hit back: ‘One of the things you mentioned is that the Parliament doesn’t have control over the court?’
‘One of the fundamental tenets of democracy is the seperation of powers between the legislature, the executive and the judicary.’
‘So you’ve just argued that the EU is undemocratic because it fulfils one of the primary tenets of any successful democracy.’
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Oluwole also debated immigration with young activists campaigning in support of Brexit at the conference.
The young Conservatives claimed that uncontrolled immigration wasn’t benefiting the United Kingdom – and that there should be a filter on who is allowed into the country.
In the video the party one member argues that immigrants should only be allowed into the country ‘if they have money’, using an example of his father to make his point, who had to save up and get health insurance before he was able to move to the United States.
‘We’re allowing vast amounts of people from eastern Europe coming here, that cost us money. Immigrants have to benefit the country, not be a burden to the country.’
Oluwole continued to probe the activists.
‘So what if we had a situation where, in order to come to this country, you needed to either have a job, and therefore contribute to the economy, or have your own medical insurance and have enough money not to be a burden. Would that be good?’
In a mic drop moment they respond ‘yes, yes, it would’ as Oluwole points out ‘THAT IS LITERALLY EU LAW!’
At this year’s conference Femi and Our Future Our Choice organised a funeral for the death of the Brexit project. The publicity stunt attracted national media attention, and was even attended by Jacob Rees-Mogg.
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