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Your chance to advertise in The New European

Front covers of The New European. - Credit: Archant

While all national newspapers benefit from a boost from advertising, companies shy away from taking out space in The New European.

Despite our enthusiastic pro-European and pro-Remain messaging, our pages remain scarce of advertisements, as businesses instead turn to the right-wing publications that helped tear the United Kingdom apart.

So in a bid to recruit new advertisers with our publication, The New European is offering discounted rates to encourage businesses to use our platform instead to promote their message.

The New European has a growing circulation of approximately 20,000 readers a week, with a strong base of subscribers, more than 10,000 listeners of our podcast, and nearly two million readers a month on the website.

For a newspaper that started in the summer of 2016 as a four-week “pop-up” experiment, that’s an incredible story.

Now is the opportunity to support the only newspaper for Remainers – an important voice in the media industry – and to take advantage of our special offer prices for advertising.

Advertising Rates

DPS £1200

Full page £600

1/2 page £350

1/3 page £280

1/4 page £200

1/6 page £150

1/8 page £120

There is a 10% discount on three consecutive bookings and a 15% discount on more than three bookings.

To find out more information email to speak to the team.

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