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Adam Sharp

An idiom abroad: One man’s guide to the weirdest European slang

A new book of bizarre phrases in European languages aims to counter a rising tide of nationalism

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Don’t Hurt the Blackbird, Animals Everywhere! and other literary classics

The translations of familiar film and book titles into different languages can be fascinating, comical and often downright bizarre

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Commies in the funhouse: how European slang depicts women

This Danish colloquialism for menstruation is just one of countless slang terms and phrases – often demeaning – that apply to women

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Mouse cinema and tin idiots: the world of European slang

From ‘crispbread phoners’ to ‘Cheryl Coles’, many of the latest slang terms around the world have been coined by technology and global events

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Mulligrubs and woofits: a tour of slang of the past

A tour of British and European slang of the past begins with old terms for drinking too much.. and feeling the effects afterwards

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