Adrian Zorzut
22 April 2020
George Osborne says country’s ‘health’ dependent on appointment of an acting PM

22 April 2020
EU rejects Matt Hancock’s claims that UK is part of bloc’s PPE scheme

22 April 2020
Care minister Helen Whately in another ‘car crash’ interview after giving ‘wrong’ numbers over coronavirus deaths

22 April 2020
Labour leader Keir Starmer to take on Dominic Raab face to face in PMQs

21 April 2020
Lib Dems urge Priti Patel to offer foreign NHS workers right to remain after coronavirus

21 April 2020
Senior Tory admits government could face ‘Chilcot-esque’ inquiry after coronavirus epidemic

21 April 2020
Government shelves Priti Patel’s immigration bill during coronavirus outbreak

21 April 2020
UK only formally requested PPE from Turkey after announcing it at press briefing

21 April 2020
Radio presenter confronts former Tory health minister for ‘misleading listeners’ over budgets

21 April 2020
Keir Starmer to break tradition to front PMQs while Boris Johnson is away

20 April 2020
Donald Trump is more focused on the US election than tackling coronavirus, Piers Morgan claims

20 April 2020
Boris Johnson supporter spectacularly fails to defend PM over coronavirus response

20 April 2020
Tony Blair calls on Boris Johnson to appoint a coronavirus minister to offer ‘100% focus’ on response

19 April 2020
‘Pre-settled status’ EU citizens denied Universal Credit during coronavirus crisis

17 April 2020
Sadiq Khan says not seeking extension to Brexit talks during coronavirus crisis ‘beggars belief’

17 April 2020
Led By Donkeys project message from NHS doctors on Palace of Westminster pleading for PPE

16 April 2020
March for Change launches petition for public inquiry into government’s coronavirus strategy

16 April 2020
European Movement urges Labour to work with them to help secure Brexit extension

16 April 2020
Government could delay controversial immigration bill because of coronavirus

16 April 2020
Health minister Matt Hancock loses temper during BBC radio interview

16 April 2020
Health minister praises care workers with badge despite undersupplying sector with PPE and coronavirus tests

15 April 2020
Romanian workers flown in to help British farmers as industry struggles to employ locals

15 April 2020
PPE firm defends decision to ‘divert essential kit’ from Scotland to England during coronavirus epidemic

15 April 2020
#YouClapForMeNow campaign aims to remind Britain how lives are ‘enriched by immigration’

14 April 2020
Tory MP demands end to lockdown because ‘money does not grow on trees’

14 April 2020
EU scheme providing £1.3bn worth of PPE was described as ‘inadequate’ by government

14 April 2020
Minister claims government was ‘well prepared’ for coronavirus outbreak