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Alastair Campbell

ALASTAIR CAMPBELL: Why I feel European

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Alastair Campbell: McDonnell must move Corbyn on Brexit

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Alastair Campbell: Young want to stop Brexit and we can help them

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How far Britain has fallen in the eyes of the world since voting to quit

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Alastair Campbell: Macron is the real heir to Tony Blair

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What is Nigel Farage up to? Alastair Campbell on the motivations of the ex-UKIP leader

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Why the Beeb is dancing to the Brexiteers’ tune

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Len McCluskey: The man who could put the brakes on Brexit

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What would Jesus do . . . about Brexit and Trump?

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Proper response to a tragedy of Shakespearean proportions

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Deluded President Trump failing the stress test

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‘Tough on Brexit, tough on the causes of Brexit’ – Time for a new slogan Jeremy

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‘Don’t call me a traitor, Farridge’

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The science of success and the pity of failure

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We can have Brexit or the NHS. We can’t have both

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How I wish my inner Malcolm Tucker would just shut the f*** up once in a while

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Alastair Campbell: This is the speech Jeremy Corbyn MUST make

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The speech May should have made

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Alastair Campbell: Britain – The new Belgium?

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Alastair Campbell: Shame-proof ego of man who thinks he is the next Churchill

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It’s a myth that Corbyn’s vision for Labour is incompatible with the EU

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More exclusive extracts from Alastair Campbell’s diaries

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Exclusive extracts of Alastair Campbell’s diaries

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Alastair Campbell: In pursuit of a delusion, we carve our irrelevance

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Alastair Campbell: We are leaving, OK? En même temps, maybe we won’t…

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Brexiteers in panic over shifting opinion

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Al Gore: No lie can live forever

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Act now – or watch the Brexit lie machine win

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Albania: Youthful, fresh exciting and finding its feet in Europe

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How did Brexit Britain lose the spirit of the 2012 Olympics?

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Brexit pathology: Leave’s latest lie shows the trouble they are in

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The winner is the loser who evaluates defeat properly

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