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Deborah Nash

Pieces of Brecht

The playwright’s archives reveal him as a compulsive newspaper clipper and a master of montage

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Rebecca Horn, angel of alchemy

A retrospective opens in Munich of the drawings, films and kinetic sculptures of German artist Rebecca Horn

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The city of life

The art that brought Paris back from the dead

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Treasures of the Seine

An exhibition of 150 objects found in the river opens at the Archaeological Crypt on Île de la Cité, Paris

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Surfing with the no-beach boys of Munich

The Eisbach river offers the city’s residents an eccentric gift: a surfing wave in landlocked Bavaria

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Coco Chanel, the revolutionary of women’s fashion

“My life didn’t please me, so, I created my life,” she once said, and it was with scissors that she did so

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Up all night at the Avignon theatre festival

This year’s Festival d’Avignon – a celebration of song, music and dance – kicked off with a rebellion against Brexit

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Pearls and wisdom: a record of a trade long forgotten

In small town in northern France, the art of producing beautiful objects from shells is being kept alive

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A bigger bang: harnessing the transformative power of theatre

For over half a century, a Parisian company based in an old munitions factory has been delivering explosive theatre

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