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Duncan Wheeler

The political turmoil beneath Malta’s surface

Despite appearances, all is not well in the EU’s smallest member state

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Spain’s punk democracy

Bands that played Spain in the heady aftermath of Franco’s death have been rewarded with remarkable loyalty

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The slow death of bullfighting

Despite some attempts at prohibition, the tradition goes on in Spain. Like that of the bulls, its own demise will be a long, drawn-out affair

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Barcelona’s Museum of Forbidden Art

The exhibition Political Prisoners in Contemporary Spain brings a much-needed political frisson to tourist-friendly Barcelona

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Munich’s lesson in art and history

The mythology around the Spanish civil war lives on in Munich

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How I made an exception for fine dining in Extremadura

Spaniards famously eat late, but make an exception at Atrio – you won’t want to miss the sunset viewings from the courtyard

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The Secrets of Spain’s Shakespeare

If history had been different, Lope de Vega might have been regarded as the greatest dramatist of them all

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Why the Dutch just can’t get enough of Depeche Mode

The electronic boys from Basildon are a national treasure – both at home and abroad

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