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Isabella Redmayne

Riders on the storm: Life in a migrant camp

At the Grand-Synthe camp on the French coast, people are risking everything to reach England. And it’s not for the benefits system

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Talking le talk: my quest to belong in France

My relentless pursuit of French fluency and European belonging has had its ups and downs but I realise I am making progress

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Dog poo and the nature of things

French relationships with the environment are more practical compared with British attitudes, which tend to be more sentimental

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Britain sets an example to France

There is an undeniable note of envy that cuts through the French coverage of the UK election

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Talking politics on the streets of Grenoble

The sentiments of the city’s inhabitants reveal a complex mix of political engagement and disillusionment

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Will France vote for Europe?

Some French voters have forgotten what the EU is really for

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Finding my French connection

Despite not being a Francophile, post-Brexit Britain pushed me to find work and a future in France

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