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Jane Whyatt

Germany’s grannies versus the fascists

Since 2017, Omas gegen Rechts (Grannies against the right) has grown into a national and international force

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Wanting Britain to win – and lose

German media outlets relish any chance to make fun of Britain but with Keir Starmer in power their chances may be running out

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Germans remember their history lessons and stand up to AfD

The party is banking on the country turning a blind eye to its past – but the German citizens have had a wake-up call

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Is it time for Germany to bring back national service?

The country’s state of military readiness is laughable to other nations

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It’s high time for Germany to change the law on cannabis

The Bundestag has still not passed the proposed new law decriminalising the use of marijuana

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Running hot and cold on my one euro house

Taking advantage of Italy’s one euro houses is not as easy as it sounds

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Certain British blood donors are unwelcome in Germany

A risk of mad Cow disease is causing donors who lived in Britain between 1980 and 1986 to be turned away by doctors

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I bought a house in Sardinia for one euro (almost)

Italy’s one-euro homes may be more trouble than they’re worth

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In pursuit of my one-euro house

In Sardinia you can buy a house for just one euro, but is this too good to be true?

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The pen and the sword in Ukraine

The exiled reporter who turned soldier to fight against Putin’s invaders

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In the grip of ostalgia

The strange allure of the old communist states remains strong today

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Why Brexit is leading to a boom in Danish weddings

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