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Jay Elwes

I’m happy Steve Baker’s got closure – now, what about the rest of us?

The ex-‘Brexit hard man’ hopes his mental struggles are now over, yet millions continue to suffer because of policies he espoused

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Has Sunak done enough?

The prime minister has got his agreement with the EU on the Northern Ireland Protocol – but will it be enough to stop a rebellion?

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Boris Johnson’s latest intervention is more bad news for Sunak’s deal

The former prime minister shows he is only interested in himself, not Northern Ireland

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Resignation watch: The four ministers who could quit over the Protocol deal

Brexit, Northern Ireland and the Tories – what could possibly go wrong?

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A very European scandal

The point is not the corruption but the response

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The Salem of Europe

The New World’s witch trials are infamous. But the most brutal outbreaks of Satanic panic took place in what is now southern Germany

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If Boris wins, he will destroy the Tory party

A generation of kids will grow up associating Conservatism with cold, hunger and political disaster. He’ll only make it worse

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We need a general election now

The Conservative Party has driven Britain to the brink of a democratic crisis. Only a national vote can end it

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The danger of having only one idea

What happens when it fails?

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Truss speaks. Badly

The most important question raised by the prime minister’s speech came from the protestors who disrupted it

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Liz Truss plummets to success

The mini-budget is one of the worst pieces of economic policy-making in history. Meet its fans

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Those who chose the storm

The French Resistance has often been portrayed in a less than serious light, but that could not be further from the truth, as the memoirs of Marie Chamming’s illustrate

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