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Jonty Bloom

The tough task facing Westminster’s new pro-EU group

They’ll talk about getting Britain closer to Europe, but will Keir Starmer listen?

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The BBC have given Michael Gove a podcast. Why?

The shameless survivor who brought you Brexit doesn’t deserve another platform

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Labour’s impossible budget

Whatever Rachel Reeves announces will make her deeply unpopular. But that won’t necessarily mean she’s wrong

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How Brexit damaged the City: the truth at last

The loss of jobs has been a disaster and blown a £1bn hole in Britain’s tax revenues

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Keir Starmer’s red tape delusion

The Labour prime minister has said the way to kickstart the British economy is to cut red tape. What the hell is he thinking?

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This pre-Budget report is a shocker for Rachel Reeves and Britain

The IFS delivers a gloomy verdict that will put pressure on the chancellor for tax rises and spending cuts

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The smoking gun in Boris Johnson’s book

His attempts to pin the Brexit blame on David Cameron say everything about this egotistical inadequate

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Brexit on the rocks

Leaving the EU has caused huge tensions on Gibraltar. Now the creators of the mess are campaigning against its solution

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Sectors wrecked, workers exploited… the Brexit bonuses keep on coming

A new report lays bare the negative effects of leaving the EU on three key sectors

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Starmer’s summit for nothing

The PM could have been like Nixon in China, but his Brexit caution appears to have ruled that out

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The Tories’ dodgy migrant maths

Claims of ‘proof’ that foreign workers cost Britain more than they put in are nebulous in the extreme

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Britain’s loony right have lost the plot

No, we’re not living in a socialist dystopia as the Telegraph’s Simon Heffer claims - and nonsense like this is making the Tories unelectable

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John Major’s Brexit intervention

The former Conservative prime minister told Amol Rajan that when it comes to the “ultras” who took Britain out of the EU, he's in an unforgiving mood

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Labour’s biggest challenge

UK government debt is set to treble catastrophically in the next 50 years. Can Labour do anything about it?

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Brexit is getting worse

A new report suggests the negative effects of leaving the EU are deepening

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Dragging the EU into the future

But we won’t be there to reap the benefits of modernisation

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Daniel Hannan: deluded, dangerous and in denial

His life’s work has been a catastrophe – and now Hannan’s latest Brexit argument will be music to Putin’s ears

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A museum of Brexit horrors

The delusional europhobes want to set up a museum of Brexit. Here are a few ideas to get them going

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At last, truth in the Commons over Brexit

Jonathan Reynolds’ reaction to business and trade questions mark an important turning point

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Tugendhat would be the least worst Tory leader

… And that’s why he almost certainly has no chance as the Conservatives start voting

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The case for land tax

Replacing unfair, outdated levies with taxes based on land value would benefit 77% of us and help the country level up

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How Labour could fill the black hole

The same tax rate for earnings and wealth would be a seismic change that raised billions

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The madness of snubbing Erasmus+

Keir Starmer’s trip to Germany and France feels empty without rejoining the scheme

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Starmer should champion youth mobility

Instead of pretending to be dragged into it, why not celebrate it?

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More queues, right on cue

Delays for travellers to Europe are about to get much worse with the EU’s new entry/exit system

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Why I won’t buy from Gail’s Bakery

I’m not one for boycotts, but I make an exception for business leaders who backed Brexit

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The death of Tory economics

The 14 year experiment went on far too long. Now Labour has to make the economy work

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The Tories’ escape from reality

After an election rout, they’ve chosen moaning about Labour over much-needed self-examination

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Another unearthed scandal of Tory waste

Businesses have dodged £4 billion in tax because of government incompetence

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Exploding the last Brexit myth

No, things wouldn’t have gone better if the Tories had prioritised Commonwealth trade

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Brexit: the end of the beginning?

The long road back to the EU will take years – maybe decades – to traverse. But we must make a start

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The sun comes out for Rachel Reeves

Falling interest rates have nothing to do with Labour’s new chancellor - but she will definitely take them

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