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Lucy Ash

Putin’s hotline to God

Under Patriarch Kirill, Russia’s Orthodox Church has seen its power restored – but only by debasing the faith

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Taiwan’s eyes are on the Ukraine war

It aspires to be a beacon for democracy in Asia. But Putin’s invasion has left the nation in fear of attack from the Chinese mainland

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Those who wait: the Ukrainian families left behind

Across Ukraine, people have given up their former lives to become soldiers. Back home, their families listen for news from the front

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HIV: Russia’s other deadly losing battle

Moscow likes to pretend that HIV is not a problem. Now it has an epidemic on its hands

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The country that sees danger everywhere

Will Lithuania be the next Ukraine?

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What Bucha means to Ukraine

As Vladimir Putin threatens the world, a suburb of Kyiv tries to rebuild in the aftermath of war crimes by his troops

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French voters turn their sights on hunting

Of all the issues influencing the French elections, there’s an unlikely one – hunting. Its supporters say the right to kill wild animals is at the heart of being French. But animal rights campaigners disagree, and now a recent series of deadly accidents is changing public opinion

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Tchaikovsky’s rites of passages

An accidental boat trip to a remote island monastery saved the composer and gave birth to his First Symphony

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Poland: The front line of Europe’s LGBT culture war

Nowhere are the tensions between tolerance and intolerance felt more acutely than in Poland, where some areas have tried to introduce 'LGBT-free' zones

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