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Lynne O'Donnell

If Trump’s plan for Gaza is insane, what does sane look like?

His ideas to redevelop Gaza are horrifying and absurd. But the strip is a warzone of rubble and bodies – if not this, then what?

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A Gaza peace deal to believe in

Could a plan put together by a former Israeli PM and a nephew of Yasser Arafat finally break the deadly cycle of retribution and reprisal?

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A world at war

We live in a time of conflict. Stuck in this doom loop of grievance and warfare, is the idea of peace in our time now little more than an impossible dream?

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Europe is walking the terror tightrope

As tensions rise, Islamist groups are once again quietly preparing attacks in Europe – with the Olympics and Euro 2024 as possible targets

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Israel, Gaza, and the rise of global insecurity

As the death toll continues to mount, the Gaza war has the potential to destabilise the region – and the world

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Is the Taliban getting hooked on fentanyl?

The militant fighters running Afghanistan have shut down the heroin trade – but what happens to drugs in Europe as a result could be a disaster

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Imran Khan, Pakistan’s populist insurgent

The former prime minister will do and say whatever it takes to make people love him – but he is the only alternative to the incumbent administration

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The Taliban called me a high value target and threatened to have me killed… just for writing the truth

A year on from the fall of Afghanistan, one journalist’s terrifying return...

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