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Michael White

Boris Johnson’s brazen approach will cost us all

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Epic fails all round for Boris Johnson and his Round Table

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Creep shifts shape again – but time is running out for Boris Johnson

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Brave new world: Anger and angst over the politics of Covid-19

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Britain’s introverted nature is setting it on a slippery slope

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Michael Gove’s Brexit fantasy is leading us down a perilous path

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How Boris Johnson ended up caught between science and the delusions of Brexit

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We need a leader who does more than tilt at windmills

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How Michael Gove and Boris Johnson’s Brexit bluff was called

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Boris Johnson is an unfit leader for an era of self-sacrifice

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Fool of six – The week Boris Johnson advocated breaking the law

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MICHAEL WHITE: Boris Johnson is full of sound and fury – but not much substance

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Are we over the worst or on cusp of calamity?

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The summer of chaos – is the heat making us overlook other issues?

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Boris Johnson’s Brexit payback peerages

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How Nicola Sturgeon is raining on Boris Johnson’s Brexit parade

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Imbalance of power – where does the UK stand on the international stage?

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Michael Gove can’t mask the government’s incompetence

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Boris Johnson’s far-from superhuman response to the coronavirus

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Boris Johnson’s Britain: Uncertainty, empty words and repeated failures

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The Tories set their sights on another fake ‘Independence Day’

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It’s too late for Boris Johnson to turn things around on Brexit – and coronavirus

MICHAEL WHITE on how the PM's inept leadership has left his own team looking for change

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The febrile summer that lies ahead for Britain

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Are coronavirus and the Durham dash blurring the bigger picture?

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How Brexit still haunts everything Boris Johnson’s government does

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Blathering Bojo fails to assert himself at home and abroad

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MICHAEL WHITE: Coronavirus has exposed incompetence across the globe

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Boris Johnson searches for scapegoats as he faces a big test over lockdown

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The political shortcomings exposed by the coronavirus pandemic

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The long lag between Boris Johnson and the country’s recovery from coronavirus

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‘No time for sideshow mob’: Why the Brexit talks during the coronavirus outbreak have so far missed the point

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MICHAEL WHITE: We’re gonna need a bigger bloke

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