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Paola Totaro

France stages a lost opera

If opera needs a way to entrance new, younger audiences, this production of Samson needs to get on the road

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An immigrant’s love letter to Britain

Cheer up, you miserable lot. Yes, your country has its problems – but there is so much to be proud of

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Naples: the city of trans magic

For centuries, the city has had an inclusive relationship what locals call the femminielli, celebrating the joy and glamour of the third sex

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The Vatican scandal has ended in long jail terms. But has the Pope kicked a hornet’s nest?

Cardinal Angelo Becciu has been sent to prison for embezzlement and a full clean-up may follow

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Is the Turin Shroud real after all?

A 1988 report wrote off the relic as a medieval fake. But now the science seems to be turning. Could it have been a miracle all along?

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Napoli’s Scudetto and the revenge of Italy’s ‘sewer’

Napoli’s joy at winning Serie A is about much more than their long wait – it is about a history of abuse from their northern rivals

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In the shadow of Vesuvius, a city erupts as Napoli win the title

Fireworks go on through the night ad Naples celebrates

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Paradise postponed for Napoli

Can the football-mad Italian city achieve the ultimate goal?

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Holy war in the Vatican

After mourning Pope Emeritus Benedict, Catholic traditionalists are again lining up against Pope Francis

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Senseless: My journey through a world without smell

Authorities initially dismissed the link between Covid and a loss of smell and taste - until they couldn't. Now, a deeply disconcerting experience for millions has prompted a rush of research that will have benefits for the future

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Fiddling in Rome

Is a huge financial scandal about to engulf the Vatican?

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The bones of Waterloo

Around 20,000 people died in the battle, yet mass graves have never been found. Now, we are getting closer to the truth

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Sex in the shadow of Vesuvius

A new exhibition celebrates Pompeii’s erotic art and artefacts, many hidden from public view since their excavation in the 19th century

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Notre-Dame after the fire

The world watched Paris’s greatest treasure burn. Two years on, restoration is beginning in earnest

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A stain of corruption haunts Pope Francis

Pope Francis’s credentials as a reformer and the future of the Vatican’s finances are being laid bare as a financial crimes mega-trial unfolds in Rome

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