Rachel Johnson
07 February 2021
Rachel Johnson: My Brexit revelation and biggest lockdown frustration

24 April 2020
RACHEL JOHNSON: One year on from Change UK, I can see where my political career went wrong

27 April 2019
RACHEL JOHNSON: ‘I’m prepared to stand up and be counted for what I believe in’

24 March 2019
RACHEL JOHNSON: Why we should be praising Wetherspoon’s boss Tim Martin

22 February 2019
RACHEL JOHNSON: What I said to make Farage storm off without a goodbye

09 February 2019
RACHEL JOHNSON: If Brexiteers really want Brexit, why not leave Northern Ireland in the EU?

11 January 2019
Rachel Johnson’s Diary: The tiny things will turn into the final nails in Brexit’s coffin

24 December 2018
RACHEL JOHNSON: I’m a Catherine Wheel of self-destruction at Christmas

07 December 2018
RACHEL JOHNSON: What I told Labour when they invited me to join

08 November 2018
Rachel Johnson’s diary: Writing memoirs and cropping up in other peoples’

26 October 2018
Rachel Johnson’s Diary: sacked from the Mail on Sunday for being too Remain

13 September 2018
Rachel Johnson on why Wanderlust could lead to all kinds of problems

30 August 2018
Rachel Johnson’s Diary: On Bank Holidays, May’s dancing, and Cameron’s converse

16 August 2018
Rachel Johnson’s diary: Both sides of the Brexit debate are fed up