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Ros Taylor

The wasted legacy of North Sea Oil

Half a century after oil and gas were discovered under the North Sea, Shetland is still enjoying the benefits that England threw away

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Hard times, better podcasts?

2025 will be tough for podcasters, and that could be no bad thing

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How can Starmer deal with the populists?

Labour is a swirl of competing interest groups and right now “the Deliverers” are in charge. But will they be able to see off Musk, Reform and the populist right?

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Why Europe’s populists should fear a Trump win

Viktor Orbán and Nigel Farage are backing the Republican - but they should be careful what they wish for

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Why is Starmer so scared of youth mobility?

Labour’s caution over the EU’s youth mobility proposals is damaging a reset of relations – and is founded in irrationality

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Frockgate is overhyped – but Starmer can’t ignore it

What the right wing papers and the far left think doesn’t matter, but a hurting public’s judgement counts

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Losing the power of speech

Foreign language teaching in Britain is on the decline, which risks making the country more cut-off and inward-looking than ever before

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Farage plays his Trump card

The founder of the Reform Party may seem to be finished in British politics. But he is still capable of causing untold damage

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Reform, the party of sound and fury

Reform hope to consign the Tories to history at the next election. But the faultlines within Nigel Farage’s rebels are already showing

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The death of trust: How the Tories have destroyed public faith in the state

Fourteen years of Tory lies have made the electorate wary of politicians and cynical of their promises. It’s a huge problem for Labour

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