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Silvia Marchetti

The politician, his cat, his car and cocaine

Italian politicians are theatrical with their scandals, and one story in the local press is no exception

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The Brits – they’re a funny lot

To the ordinary Italian, the UK election result went by practically unnoticed

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Carlo Acutis, the first millennial saint

The Pope has initiated the process of sanctification of a 15-year-old boy who died from a severe form of leukaemia

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How a fake venue was chosen for the G7

Georgia Meloni’s favourite swanky hotel is not all it seems

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The European elections are a barometer of Italy’s national vote

For most Italians, Europe is a distant, scary and uninteresting concept

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Where Italy says yay to horse meat

Cantiano’s idyllic setting seems at odds with the cruelty that goes on there

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Italy’s €1 homes’ hidden surprises

Foreigners snapping up the properties don't always know what they are taking on

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Where are Italy’s doctors?

The brain drain of talent from the poorer south to the richer north has created a crisis in the country’s health sector

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Finding DH Lawrence in the Italian ‘far west’

Locals have opted to negate the fact that Lawrence’s vision of Italy wasn’t entirely idyllic

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The Sicilian town that named the Brontës

Exploring the surprising link between a small town in the shadow of Mount Etna and the most celebrated siblings in English literature

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Meloni writes sport into Italy’s constitution

Is the prime minister’s amendment a push for sports culture or a faint echo of the country’s fascist past?

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In Italy, ‘cuckolds’ are gods

Residents of one south Italian village are reversing the negative meaning of being a "cuckhold"

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Italy’s patriotic and pungent cheese wars

The country’s cheesy heritage is up for dispute

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The Vatican grants trans people the right to baptism

The shock decision is a first for Italy

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Our fascist Christmas witch

How part of Mussolini’s “fascistisation” of society outlasted Il Duce to become something much less sinister

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The Italians won’t take earthquakes seriously

The country's citizens have always been fatalists but now it's getting out of hand

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Italy’s ancient war with Halloween

The Catholic church does not approve of zombies

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There’s no spaghetti bolognese in Bologna

Bologna is at risk of being turned into a tourist’s vending machine

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Rome baffled by the Ryder Cup invasion

Golf gave Romans something to cheer for. But, the culture around the sport still perplexes Italians

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Living among the ghosts of Italy’s past

The country's ghost villages deserve to be reinvented for modern use

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A bridge too far in Messina

The problem with Italy’s transport isn’t its bridges, but its roads, trains and green infrastructure – or rather lack of

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Giorgia Meloni has a moderate makeover

Italy’s prime minister has a new look, but have her politics changed?

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Good riddance to the free money that cost Italy

The “citizenship wage” created nightmares for the country’s productivity. Its abolishment was needed

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Luxury at your convenience: Naples’ bathroom revolution

A brand new luxury toilet has sprung up in Naples, the last of all places it may have been expected

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That’s no pizza in Pompeii’s newly discovered fresco

This “ancient pizza” is a phoney. The world media has – mistakenly – got excited over a large terracotta plate or flatbread

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Naples declares war on sunbathers, just in time for summer

The mayor of Naples has decided to cap the number of sunbathers on Posillipo’s beaches. But, Neapolitans are good at finding loopholes

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Italy has a new on-screen heroine to replace Montalbano – finally

Meet Italy’s new Wonder Woman, Inspector Imma Tataranni

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How Brexit killed the expat dream

Post-Brexit travel rules are killing any hopes of la dolce vita

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Beware the cannibal turtles of Rome

These atypical creatures are causing havoc and holding the city hostage

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Starbucks takes on the Eternal City

Does Rome’s first Starbucks threaten Italy’s coffee tradition?

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Millennials love the lure of a simpler life

Italy’s younger generations are swapping rush-hour in the city for country roads. Who can blame them?

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In search of Homer’s inspiration

The story of Odysseus’s Italian origins are surprisingly popular and Sicilian tourism companies know how to capitalise on this

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